Monday, October 24, 2011

Class #2

I have to admit that this was my favorite class of all classes I have ever taken. This is the end of my third degree and I can honestly say this, mostly because during this class I was in bed :). The Blackboard Collaborative session was amazing, what a tool! Forget the convenience, the saved time and energy, the saved money in gas. Doing a program through distance education I have spent scary winter nights on the highway and have felt disjointed from the others in an online course. This should be used more often!

I am thinking about students with mobility issues that may be in rural areas and not able to access resourses they may need. This could be educational or even medical. I am also thinking about students with mental health issues who struggle with being around other people. I have had numerous clients over the years who simply could not handle the structure of the classroom and sadly these students usually end up quitting school. A large majority of those have had learning disabilities. Imagine these students in the safety of their own environment being able to participate and learn. This piece of technology is a simple yet effctive tool to aid inclusion.

So kick up your feet and learn !

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Reading is something that most of us take for granted. We do this so easily that we are not even aware of all the things happening while we read, from the brain processes to our movements, feelings, goes on and on. Our Task Analysis really brought to light what a huge process learning to read is. We know from research that children can learn more easily than adults so I started thinking about how difficult it would be for someone who is learning to read as an adult. In my job I have met many people just starting this process in their 40s and 50s. By this age there are additional issues besides learning to read, such as low self esteem (and in many cases undiagnosed learning disabilities). Adult learners have had years of covering up the fact that they cannot read, tricks that have gotten them through situations in which they need to read. I am always amazed at the strength it takes to make such a change at that point in life.

But back to kids. As we have seen in our TAs learning to read is a huge task, but put a learning disability on top of that and it seems insurmountable! I imagine a giant break in any section of the TA, Suddenly we require bridges to get back on track. The assistive technology we have been looking at, that teachers are using in the classroom now, is that bridge. The advances in the classroom are incredible. Students who once were not able to participate in certain classes are now able to make amazing strides in their education and futures.